The term New World Order has been used to refer to any new period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power. Despite various interpretations of this term, it is primarily associated with the ideological notion of world governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address worldwide problems that go beyond the capacity of individual nation-states to solve.

In early 90's, the word has been used severely by world leaders at different occasions. On Jan 29th 1991, President Bush gave his second State of the Union address. He spoke as the Gulf War was well underway, and he was keen to promote the new era he claimed the conflict represented. To do so, Bush repeated a term he had already used in several speeches, claiming that abroad in the world was:

                "a big idea, a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in
                common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and
                security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle
                and worthy of our children's future."

                                ( gb.html)

Bush was not the first to speak of a 'New World Order', but like the others, his words rested on a generally held perception that with the ending of the Cold War something transformation had begun, and that the world (which is to say, the future) would inevitably be different. 


The old world order was talking about the division between the East and West. The great divide between western Capitalism and Eastern European Communism as crystallized after world war -II in the form of the cold war, was, in hindsight, one of the most stable arrangements between opposing powers. 

One such dramatic case was the Suez Crisis of 1956, where the two outdated empires of France and Britain were trying to defend their colonial interest from the two newcomers to the region, the USSR and US, not to mention the radical leader of Egypt, Colonel Nasser. Despite their differences, the two superpowers acted in unison, using their political might, backed by their military power, to chase the invaders out of the Middle East, which was left open to the new struggle for control.


The novel Corona-virus "COVID-19" remained flash-point beginning from Wuhan, China and spread with horror and havoc throughout the world. Almost every pole of world is entirely covered by virus and thousands and millions have lost the battle and suffered positively. People are socially distanced and avoiding gathering and hand shakes. All the religious activities are almost limited across the world and other educational institutes are shut downed worldwide. World corporations and financial institutions are also closed since the breakout that could further deteriorate the wretched economies in the world. 

The current world political bloc is bit different the previous one. Today, the new conspiracies are inching ways to be dominant over the world leadership by using world top corporations in making an integrated form of governance.

Among them, the use of man-made viruses is the top objective to isolating people and governments from the rest of the world and put into a worst political, administrative and financial chaos. At the end, the ailing economies will beg again to the world leading institutions for helping people and in return by implementing the nefarious conditions for lasting. 


Because of the aggression of the big powers, the security of small governments and weak nations will decline, and freedom and security will be rendered meaningless. The powers dominant in the world will make life so difficult for weak nations and will intensify violating the rights of nations so much that they will not even allow people to breathe!


The Noble Prophet (S) described that period in this manner: “The ummahs (the followers of other creeds and schools) will take hostile action against you just like the hungry rushing to a food container.” Someone said: “Will we be attacked because we will be a minority at that time?”

The Prophet said: “Your number at that time will be many but you will become just like paper tigers. God will remove your majesty and grandeur from the hearts of your enemies and sluggishness will dominate your hearts.” Someone asked: “O Messenger of Allah! What is the cause of this sluggishness and weakness?” He (S) said: “Love of the world and abhorrence of death.”

The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “After me you will experience four sedition. In the first sedition, blood will be regarded lawful to be shed while killing will increase in number. In the second sedition, blood and property will be regarded as lawful (to be shed, or plundered) while killing and pillage will increase in number. 

In the third sedition, the blood, property and honor of the people will be regarded as lawful (to be shed, plundered, or trampled on) and apart from killing and pillage, the honor and chastity of human beings will not be safe. In the fourth sedition—which will be so intense, that it will affect everyone and like the state of a turbulent and agitated ship in the middle of the sea—no one will find refuge from it.



Justice is a familiar word which is liked and pursued by everybody. Justice is something good and wholesome irrespective of where or whom it emanates, and it becomes more meaningful if it stems from officials and rulers. It is lamentable to note, however, that most of the time no other trace of justice except its name can be found, and mankind has not witnessed justice except in very few instances—in the governments of men of God.

Naturally, the government, which in a short period of time would prevail over adversities, eliminate confusion and disorder, and sow the seeds of hope in the hearts of mankind by removing despair from them, will enjoy popular support.

Administering a territory as wide as the world itself is a difficult task, which is only possible for a divinely guided leader and functionaries committed to this divine system and the sovereignty of Islam. Indeed, in order to administer lands and territories Imam al-Mahdi (as) will appoint ministers who will have had a record of struggle both in experience and action, and who will have shown their firmness and decisiveness. In the Holy Verse

 “Know that Allah revives the earth after its death,”
                                                  (Surah al-Hadid 57:17)


The man-made virus has caused an unspecified lock-down worldwide. Different notions emerging every passing day and conspiracies are webbing the leading powers into corporations and blocs in the world. The current world scenario is full of ambiguity heading towards a chaos and panic among the masses. Every being on the earth requires a system or environment where every human must go through an equality, peace and justice. The world is transforming into a new phase of order for seeking justice and tranquility. 

Question: What do you suggest containing the world pandemic and political outcomes?

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