A loose of pound weight has remained a hot debate among the youngsters. A number of research and field work has been done over finessing the body and loosing extra weight. Well, science has some bad news for you. More and more research in both the UK and the US is emerging to show that exercise has a negligible impact on weight loss. That weekly commitment to aerobics class? Almost worthless, as far as fitting into your bikini is concerned. The Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit medical research establishment in the US, reports that, in general, studies "have demonstrated no or modest weight loss with exercise alone" and that "an exercise regimen… is unlikely to result in short-term weight loss beyond what is achieved with dietary change."

In this blog, we would like to present 5 different exercise tips that can be helpful in making your body slim and fit. 

The way you spend time out in nature can affect how much your physical, emotional and mental health will benefit from it. If you’re getting outside to relax, relieve stress or anxiety, focus your mind, or improve your health and well-being, try some of these tips to make it a more mindful experience. There are undeniable benefits for your mental health when you spend time in nature, like lower stress and better memory.1 But if you're usually glued to a screen – computer, TV, or any other kind – you may have forgotten exactly how relaxing in nature works. Don’t give up, hug a tree or two, and head for home. There are plenty of other ways to immerse yourself in nature and have fun while you're doing it.


As a human being, piece of encouragement and admiration is the sole power that a person can feel fresh and confident. According to the Psychology, self-esteem is built by admiration and courage that someone needs during a mental stress. Your words of encouragement to a loved one or a friend can mean a lot to them. In fact, in times of despair, your words may be the most important things for them to cling on. Never shy away from expressing hope and inspiration to people around you. You may be in need of them at some point in your life as well.
There are plenty of opportunities to provide support to others. Here are some encouraging words you can share with those who need that extra inspiration to get through in life.
I’m grateful that you are my friend.
Happy mind, happy life.
I hope you live a life you are proud of.
I hope you have the strength to start over!
It is easy to give up,
But before giving up,
Just stop and think for a moment why you started?
I wish you the strength to face the challenges of life with confidence and the wisdom to choose your battles carefully!

Psychological and behavioral factors are important in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease. Although negative psychological states, including depression and hostility, have long been recognized as risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, emerging evidence suggests that positive psychological states confer unique salutary effects on health. Psychological well-being—such as positive emotions, satisfaction with life, and optimism—has been linked to lower incidence of coronary heart disease, superior biological function, and longevity, independent of the effects of negative psychological states. The association between positive psychological states and favorable health outcomes is perhaps largely mediated by health behaviors. Individuals with higher well-being may be more motivated and persistent in engaging in healthy behaviors, have greater self-efficacy , show more attention to and careful processing of health risk information, and are better able to adjust health-relevant goals.

When you're trying to lose weight quickly then it can be helpful to eat a simple diet based on whole foods. These foods tend to be very filling, and make it easier to eat fewer calories without getting too hungry. During the week, you should make sure to eat mostly whole, single-ingredient foods. Avoid most foods that are highly processed.
The number of calories in a food is a measurement of the amount of energy stored in that food. Your body uses calories from food for walking, thinking, breathing, and other important functions. The average person needs to eat about 2,000 calories every day to maintain their weight. However, a person’s specific daily calorie intake can vary depending on their age, gender, and physical activity level. Men generally need more calories than women, and people who exercise need more calories than people who don’t.

Exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat and improve your appearance. Resistance training, such as weight lifting, can lead to a similar amount of weight loss as regular aerobic training. It also helps you add or maintain muscle mass and strength.
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Full-body resistance training workouts are also a great method to lower your body's crab stores and water weight, which can lead to a sharp decline in weight 

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Lifting weights can also protect your metabolism and hormone levels, which often decline during dieting.
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In fact, how active you are throughout the day when you aren't exercising also plays a very important role in weight loss and obesity.Trusted Sourc23Trusted Source
For example, the difference between a desk job and a manual job can account for up to 1,000 calories per day. This is the same as 90 to 120 minutes of high-intensity exercise.Trusted Source
Simple lifestyle changes such as walking or biking to work, taking the stairs, going for walks outside, standing more or even cleaning the house can help you burn a lot of calories.
The protein dose or diet dose, as we call it, caught my attention a few years ago. I was looking for some dishes that would fit into my diet regime and when I heard about protein dose, I went online and gathered information about it. I added my own i...

The show business requires actors to look good, stay fit and energetic at all times and diet plays an important part. I not only took to protein dose very well but I introduced the same to my family and friends. And they have all made this a part of But it’s the grams that you throw in, which make this dose different. I usually add a handful of white beans and green grams. White beans ensure that there is enough carbohydrate and almost all the ingredients are high on energy and low on fat.

A good health can be developed through the following 5 tips; exercise, good diet, stress less, be positive in thinking and right dose. 

Question: What you can do if you are having heavy weight ?

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