There are certain countries and regions that they have been recovered from COVID-19 pandemic in the world. One of them is Wuhan in China that was lock-down in the very day of outbreak and recovered after couple of months. The second region or city is the Valley of Nagar in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

1. Wuhan, China

It is the capital city of Hubei province in the People's Republic of China. It is the largest city in Hubei and the most populous city of Central China, with a population of over 11 million, the 9th most populous city in China.

Wuhan Park, China

The name Wuhan came from the city's historical origin from the conglomeration of Wuchang, which is collectively known as the "Three Towns of Wuhan".

It was mid of December 2019, when a contagious virus was fueling the havoc and horror among the dwellers in the city. The provincial as well as the central government of PR of China took the serious measures to contain outbreak by establishing quarantine and pulling people staying home.


China’s response and recovery to the corona virus in Wuhan offers hope for how a strong rebound from the crisis can happen. In this city there has been the same pattern seen many times around the world, first a quick growth of the virus then a swift moving to lock-down and containment.
What once seemed an overwhelming situation was step-by-step contained over the course of 76 days after which this the lock-down in Wuhan was finally lifted. The lifting of this lock-down offers a watershed moment and a chance to reflect.
In the UAE we are seeing similar challenges as those which were faced in Wuhan. I know that at the moment things seem stark and challenging - but stay strong.
Each country has a different approach however applying mitigation measures has been proven effective in Wuhan and in China.

A brazen view in Wuhan

From a practical perspective, when it comes to direct measures to minimize the spread of the virus and deal with its health effects, the UAE can be inspired that measures to address the virus have been effective in Wuhan.
Chinese policymakers had very quickly realized, upon the onset of the virus, that rapid and significant movement was needed to tackle this challenge. The foundation was testing, isolation and contact tracing.
The action plan from the Chinese government included the drafting in of additional healthcare workers from all over China, making up over 340 medical teams consisting of over 42,600 medical workers from across the country, who all went to the hardest-hit city at the request of the government.
2. Nagar, A district of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Nagar is a valley and district of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The valley is about 15 km from Gilgit city. It is a home of renown peaks and mountains of Pakistan like, Rakaposhi, Diran Peak and Rush Peak. The Rush Lake is the highest Alpine Lake of Pakistan and 27th highest lake in the world. The main villages of this valley are Chalt, Jaffarabad, Sikandarabad, Gulmet and Minapin. There are two main languages Burushashki and Shina are spoken in the valley.
According to the Alif census of Pakistan, the valley is taken among the highly educated districts of Pakistan in 2017.


It was the first week of April 2020, when the initial case was registered from a traveler. The local community and administration seemed active by driving the awareness program in the masses. The local paramedic and the provincial government took steps through the installation of Quarantines and supplying medical equipment in the region. At first, the whole valley is locked down and people are instructed for staying home and creating social distance.


The possible and real-time measurements taken by the locals was also appreciated by some of the international Magazines like The New York Times as of April 18, 2020. Initially, 200 were infected and passed through the medication and well settled quarantines but right after one month they all been recovered.


Now the whole valley is safe from any of contagious disease and local movement is in order.  Overall, the local tourism and hotel industry is badly shattered by COVID-19 as was the right time for the national and  international tourists in the region.

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